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Who Uses Us

LGE Consulting


LGE Consulting Ltd was formed in 2014 by Stefan Lanser and Michelle Grant. We are a Structural and Civil Engineering consultancy based in the Wairarapa, with our office located in Masterton.

MB Brown


M.B. Brown Ltd operates its own joinery department, located in Company-owned premises, incorporating office space, factory and yard. M.B.Brown Ltd usually tenders for work as Head Contractor, but can provide sub-contractor services, including all aspects of Joinery work. More than 90% of the Company’s work is Architect sourced.

At Tomlinson & Carruthers we undertake a variety of projects. Please select a category for some recent examples.

Listed Projects:

  • Lake Ferry
  • Waimoana
  • Riversdale Links
  • East Leigh

Lake Ferry

Clients Jakeman Trust
Job Beach Resort subdivision
Short Description Planning and surveying of coastal residential subdivision.
Status Construction
Detail The client has had a long association with the Lake Ferry area so a high degree of attention to detail was required when they wanted to add to it. The planners and surveyors at Tomlinson & Carruthers are part of a team including engineers from Opus Consultants and GNS Science to provide a high quality coastal development.

A key element of the design was the orientation of lots towards the expansive coastal vista while maintaining efficient infrastructure and good access to nearby public areas.

coastal lakeferry 1bScheme Plan of Subdivision.

coastal lakeferry 2bAerial photograph of Lake Ferry township showing the estuary on the southern coastline to the right and the subdivision site at the northern end of the urban perimeter to the left.


Clients LJW & LE Thompson
Job Residential Coastal Subdivision.
Short Description Tomlinson & Carruthers designed, planned, surveyed and modelled the subdivision whilst minimizing environmental impact.
Status Completed

The clients owned several baches on the point at Waimoana and wished to contain each bach on its own certificate of title. As part of this process Tomlinson & Carruthers planners led a team of specialists to ensure the uniqueness of the site was maintained. While the original coastal boundary was eroded and needed to be redefined, nearby archaeological sites needed to be identified, assessed and the subdivision was designed around the sites. The result was an iconic cluster of kiwi baches in an iconic coastal setting.

coastal waimoana 1bA 3d digital terrain model of the Waimoana coast with the scheme plan of the site overlaid.

coastal waimoana 1bPhotograph of the existing coastal batches. The foreshore boundary was eroded and needed to be redefined.

coastal waimoana 1bAn aerial photograph of the site and surrounding area. The raised berms nearby are remnants of an archaeological site believed to have been a Maori coastal farming settlement.


Riversdale Links

Clients Key Housing Co. Limited
Job Residential Coastal Subdivision.
Short Description Tomlinson & Carruthers designed, planned, surveyed and modeled the subdivision whilst minimizing environmental impact.
Status Planning
Detail Riversdale Beach Golf Club owns surplus land that can not be utilised as any future expansion of the course or facilities. The client asked Tomlinson & Carruthers to assess the site, between the East Leigh Development and the Riversdale community, and to design and manage a subdivision maximising the infrastructure and the coastal views.

The site presented several challenges. Being at the base of a hill and on a coastal plain, future development of the site required a design mitigating the effects on the stability of the slope and the drainage of stormwater. Tomlinson & Carruthers utilised a synergetic approach to the design incorporating the following features:

  • A reserve to act as an amenity buffer between the existing Riversdale community, golf course and the coastal residential lots;
  • Locating the road to maximise the building area of the lots, and minimise the potential environmental effects on neighbouring residential lots beyond the site; and
  • A building template to assist purchasers with the development of lots that maximise the coastal views, privacy and stability of the site while minimising the environmental effects of stormwater and wastewater.

Working with geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, architects and landscape architects, Tomlinson & Carruthers planned the subdivision to create a greater degree of certainty for existing residents of Riversdale and potential residents so that any concerns are adequately addressed at each stage of the project.

coastal riversdalelinks 1bScheme plan of the subdivision overlaying an aerial photograph.

coastal riversdalelinks 2bScheme plan of the subdivision.

coastal riversdalelinks 3bThe indicative architectural sketches from Don Jamieson for the showhome to assist potential purchasers in their designs to maximise the utility of the site.

coastal riversdalelinks 4bThe marketing signage for the development showing the view from the site of the coast over the Riversdale community.

East Leigh

Clients East Leigh Development Limited
Job 142 Lot Beach Resort Subdivision.
Short Description Tomlinson & Carruthers surveyed, designed and modeled to date the largest subdivision in Wairarapa’s history whilst minimizing environmental impact and improving infrastructure.

The client wanted to develop a subdivision close to the highly desirable Riversdale coastal resort community. The natural amphitheatre of flat land on the coast was fully developed and the closest suitable land was the bordering hills.

Tomlinson & Carruthers were approached due to our experience with developments in the area. The strategic design for the subdivision was to layout a 142 Lot subdivision where as many lots had coastal views as possible. The criterion was to ensure the subdivision was not visible from the existing Riversdale community whilst maintaining a connection with the whole community.

The firm first prepared a detailed topographical survey of the area before designing a 3D model. Based on the digital terrain model & perspective views from throughout the model, Tomlinson & Carruthers designed the lot layout, sewer & storm water system, roading design and public spaces.

As part of the resource consent process, Tomlinson & Carruthers prepared most of the environmental impact assessments, setting building location and height criteria so views in the subdivision of the coast were maintained and the views of the hills from the Riversdale community were not effected.

As with every previous subdivision in the Riversdale community, Tomlinson & Carruthers will manage the project until its completion.

For more information about the East Leigh Development, please visit the following links or view the plans and images below. Please click on the images to the left to view a closer look. The images are large and will load in a separate window.

east leigh clickPlan of the East Leigh Development.


east  leigh perspective clickScreen capture of the 3 dimensional digital terrain model showing the Riversdale coastal resort community to the left and the East Leigh Development on the hills behind.

east leigh services clickScreen capture of the 3 dimensional digital terrain model showing the use of roading and the natural contours of the site to form an earth dam fed by the storm water system. Beyond on the hills are the building sites showing the building height restrictions that protect the views of the East Leigh and Riversdale residents.


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